Akar Alang – Alang

Akar alang-alang / Alang Grass Rhizome….. It’s a healthy office drink Rasanya manis dan menyejukkan. Mengatasi masalah seperti: Sering mimisan terutama pada anak-anak Buang air kecil berdarah dan nyeri seperti rasa tidak tuntas (sering anyang-anyang) Sering haus, kering tenggorokan dan rasa lapar berlebihan Rebus dengan 1 liter air selama 10 – 15 menit, dapat dicampur air lemon atau madu untuk tenggorokan kering dan sering haus. Diminum pada suhu ruangan atau suhu dingin.
  • Cools the Blood and stops bleeding (stop nose bleeding)
  • Clears Heat and promotes urination (relieve urinary discomfort)
  • Clears Heat from the Stomach and Lungs (relieve thirst and excess hunger)
alang alang Boil with one liter of water for 10 – 15 minutes, cool it down, it’s a pleasant and healthy drink for a hot day at work. Can be combined with lemon or honey for soothing the throat. You can buy it fresh in supermarket, the dry herbs also available in Prapanca Clinic. Disease Can Be Treated: It is widely used to treat urinary tract infection, as a diuretic. Clinical test: root Decoction reeds with a dose of 250-300 g, two times morning and evening can be cured 27 cases of 30 patients with acute nephritis. In chronic nephritis, herbaceous weeds can reduce edema and lower blood pressure. Single herb or combined with Nelumbo nucifera rhizome & leaves, Agrimonia pilosa leaves, can treat epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematuria, menorrhagia, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Source: http://www.wikiherb.info/2012/01/cogon-grass-imperata-cylindrica-l-beauv.html