Healthy Living This Transition Season in Jakarta
The body is in fact a microcosm of the macrocosm-the Universe. Whatever happens in the environment will manifest and affect our physical and mental health.

Indonesia, as a tropical country, is always very damp.
This is especially so in late summer where humidity levels can be as high as 90%. The climate in October, during transition season from summer to rainy, fluctuates heavily. Dry hot weather prevails from the morning till afternoon. Then, sudden humid cold rain in the evening. People often sweat profusely in the afternoon, however, they are often exposed to sudden damp cold rain in the evening. As a result, one might feel sleepier, have mood fluctuations, feel low in energy and reluctant to exercise. Flu and allergy risk are also higher during this season.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), humidity or dampness inside the body is considered a disease.
Dampness is an abnormal state where fluid retention causes blockage of energy. This imbalance state is not yet regarded as a disease in modern medicine, but in TCM “syndrome of dampness, dampness-heat, dampness-cold and wind dampness” are an imbalance treatable with herbs and acupuncture. If the dampness settles inside the body, some health disturbances might appear.
Some physical manifestations of dampness in the body are:
- Abundant mucus and phlegm (seasonal allergy)
- Puffy eyes and face especially in the morning
- Congested feeling of the chest and abdomen,
- Nausea and bloated stomach, before or after meals.
- Dizziness or vertigo attack, especially after heavy and starchy meals.
- Increased sleepiness and heavy feeling of the body. Lack of motivation to exercise.
- Recurrent pain and rheumatism.